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Festival de las Máscaras de Hatillo Featured in north america Puerto
Rico One of the most vibrant annual festivals in Puerto Rico, Festival
de las Máscaras de Hatillo (Hatillo Mask Festival), is always held on
December 28th. On this day, Puerto Rico commemorates Día de Los
Santos Inocentes, dedicated to infant boys under the age of three who
were murdered by King Herod soldiers when he was looking for baby
Jesus. Thus, these innocent children were called the first Christian
martyrs. The town of Hatillo, located on the northern coast of Puerto
Rico, has been celebrating this holiday since 1823. It gradually
evolved into a massive festival of humor and disguise, an equivalent
of European April's Fools. Thousands of people are dressing up in the
most incredible costumes and masks to parade the streets alongside
flamboyant floats and elaborately decorated cars. The parade that
features women, men, and children dressed as traditional characters of
Puerto Rican folklore moves to sounds of music. People joke around,
play pranks, drink, and dance during the whole day. Hatillo town
center turns into one giant theater or circus. After the parade,
everyone gathers at the city's central square for a massive street
party with food and various activities. Since the celebration
originates from the Canary Islands , it is also part of the cultural
heritage these settlers brought to Puerto Rico. Practical info Ask a
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Hatillo (Map) Plaza de Recreo Share Festival de las Máscaras de
Hatillo Featured in north america Puerto Rico
30/12/2021 Last update