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Effective Resource Mobilization and Fundraising in Projects and Programmes

From Mon 13 June 2022 to Fri 17 June 2022
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

EFFECTIVE RESOURCE MOBILIZATION AND FUNDRAISING IN PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMESCOURSE DESCRIPTION Mobilization of resources is recognized as the foundation for self-sustaining development. Mobilizing resources are important in financing investment and social programmes, which are essential for economic growth and for eradicating poverty. Financing for economic growth and poverty reduction is one of the challenges facing projects and programmes, however, resource mobilization can be managed more innovatively for greater effectiveness. In this context, a sound fiscal policy, responsible social spending and a well-functioning and competitive financial system are the crucial elements mobilizing resources. Resource mobilization includes all the actions taken by an organization to ensure that it has the resources it needs to properly implement its strategy. The term “resource” covers not only financial resources, but also the human resources and goods and services made available to the organization. A resource-mobilization strategy requires broad outreach to potential donors and partners in order to diversify the sources of support and financing.   LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course the participants will be able to: • Define concepts and importance of Resource Mobilization for projects/programmes • Describe the process and tools used in Resource Mobilization • Articulate the principles and moral ethics in resource mobilization • Develop a proposal for mobilizing resources • Appreciate the role of monitoring and evaluating in Resource Mobilization   WHO SHOULD ENROLL? This course is ideal for managers, program/project coordinators and other project staff whose roles involve developing proposals for fundraising and report writing for their organization.   Send an email to to request a course training agenda
courses workshop
18/06/2022 Last update

Kigali, Rwanda, Kigali, Kigali City, Rwanda

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  1. VitalExtraLearning
  2. Effective Resource Mobilization and Fundraising in Projects and Programmes