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Records Management Training Course

From Mon 22 February 2021 to Fri 26 February 2021
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

INTRODUCTIONRecords management is the systematic control of an organisation's records, throughout their life cycle, in order to meet operational business needs, statutory and fiscal requirements. Effective management of corporate information allows fast, accurate and reliable access to records ensuring the timely destruction of redundant information and the identification and protection of vital and historically important records. The course focuses on using records management and archiving as a tool for supporting organization’s business processes. Upon completion of these courses, participants will have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their records management and archiving duties more efficiently and effectively.   COURSE DURATION 5 Days COURSE OBJECTIVES BY THE END OF THE COURSE, PARTICIPANTS WILL BE ABLE TO: *     Carry out organizational recordkeeping requirements analysis  *     Develop a robust records management plan   *     Effectively implement a records management system  *     Understand the best practices in records management  *     Understand how to monitor and control a records management system  COURSE CONTENT CLICK ON THE LINK TO VIEW COURSE CONTENT AND OUR TRAINING SCHEDULE []  For booking contact our TRAINING COORDINATOR THROUGH EMAIL:, +254 721 331 808
business courses workshop
27/02/2021 Last update

Kigali, Rwanda, Kigali, Kigali City, Rwanda

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  1. Upskill Development Institute
  2. Records Management Training Course