Let\'s \"Remember Him\" by being Christ\'s Hands at a Community
Clean-Up and Service Day on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 8:00 AM -
10:00 AM. Let\'s come together to make our community a cleaner,
greener place! Grab your gloves and help us clean up alleyways! We\'ll
provide trash bags, snacks, drinks, wheel barrows, and dumpsters.
Please bring gloves; closed toed shoes and grungy clothes; rakes,
battery/gas tools, shovels, trowels; and friends and family! There
will also be additional less physically strenous service projects to
support the following organizations: Girls Love Mail, Lifting Hands
International, The Letter Project, and Operation Gratitude. As such we
will be writing letters to women newly diagnosed with cancer, making
cards for people in need around the world, writing letters to first
responders and military personnel, and writing letters to girls around
the world who need extra love and support. Meet at the Red Mountain
Center on Main at 6335 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85205. Every hand makes a
difference! Your participation will make a big impact!
09/03/2025 Last update