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Gateway Park FREE SplashPad Movie & Food Truck Picnic-Fri 6/21

Fri 21 June 2019
5:30 PM - 9:30 PM

NO ADMISSION - PET FRIENDLY - FREE PARKING - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! **BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR AN ALL AGES BEACH PARTY MOVIE NIGHT ON THE FIELD & SPLASHPAD** _Fun starts at 5:30 ~ Kids Dance Party & Movie at dusk ~ come early to snag a good seat & something yummy to eat while the kids play in the refreshing SPLASH PAD!!_ Grab a blanket, chair and your family & friends and enjoy the FREE Bigscreen outdoor family MOVIE ON THE FIELD & Food TRUCK PICNIC FEATURING HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3, A MONSTER VACATION! only at Gateway Park & Splash pad [] next to the Northwest Valley YMCA [] (10100 N. El Mirage Rd, El Mirage AZ).  Specialty Food TRUCKS, Kids Dance Party, Face Painting, Balloon Twister, Awesome music by DJ Jonny [], Kids Activities, Glow Fun, PopUP Shopping, Character visits, FREE Chair Massages, FREE toddler softblock play yard, music, FUN, games and more! (Food will be available for purchase & small cost for face painting/balloon artist) _PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE PETSVET FOUNDATION [] 503C(3) MEDICAL FUND WHERE NO PET GOES UNTREATED!_     GREAT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDED BY:  DJ Jonny [] INSANELY AWESOME MOVIE THEATER QUALITY AUDIO & VIDEO EXPERIENCE PROVIDED BY: X2 Entertainment [] BROUGHT TO YOU BY: West Valley Pop UP [] Mystic Events & Productions [] Northwest Valley YMCA [] Petsvet Animal Hospital [] Renewal By Andersen of Phoenix []   DON'T WORRY ABOUT DINNER OR DESSERT – CHECK OUT THESE AWESOME FOOD TRUCKS! La Familia Street Tacos | Sweet Island Dreams | East coaster foods | Ms. Vanilla Bean Coffee | culinary skul llc | Zasette Crepes | Kettle Heroes Gilbert+ more to be announced, stay tuned!   Facebook event link: []   (For sponsorship or vendor info please email
discos nightlife party theater cinema music food family
22/06/2019 Last update

Gateway Park
10100 N. El Mirage Rd, El Mirage, Arizona, United States

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Gateway Park FREE SplashPad Movie & Food Truck Picnic-Fri 6/21

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  1. Mystic Events & Productions
  2. Gateway Park FREE SplashPad Movie & Food Truck Picnic-Fri 6/21