A one-day Horus Heresy event with Small Armies and fun scenarios!
Regular Tournament Format with 3 rounds and lunch break. If we do not have enough players for a classic tournament format, we will just do round robin pairings. Buy in is $10 to contribute to the AZ Horus Heresy Terrain Fund. Donations accepted via venmo: @elwillowtree
1250 Points, using the Centurion Format from Eye of Horus podcast:
Infantry, Walkers, and Speeders should be the focus of your army and the following unit are restricted: Tanks, Fliers, Drop Pods, Superheavies are not allowed. Bikes, Attack Bikes, Jet Bikes, Artillery, Monstrous Creatures, Leviathan Siege Dreadnoughts are 0-1 choices.
(Picture Credit to TheChirurgeon, Goonhammer.com; no challenge to status intended)