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Amma Sri Karunamayi visits Phoenix, AZ
Event canceled

From Fri 17 March 2017 to Sun 19 March 2017
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

INDIVIDUAL BLESSING, MEDITATION RETREAT, & HOMA SACRED FIRE CEREMONYWe are very pleased to announce that Amma Sri KARUNAMAYI WILL BE HOLDING HER SPIRITUAL PROGRAMS AGAIN THIS YEAR IN PHOENIX, AZ. The Individual Blessings, Meditation Retreat and Homa programs will take place at the INDO AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER [,-112.1213255,17z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x872b6cc7f7f86327:0x94c5ee35fe62618d!2s2804+W+Maryland+Ave,+Phoenix,+AZ+85017!3b1!8m2!3d33.5321185!4d-112.1191368!3m4!1s0x872b6cb801aa8053:0x22f2e05cb0290df1!8m2!3d33.5320742!4d-112.1191597]. INDIVIDUAL BLESSINGS / SARASWATI DIKSHA On Friday, March 17 we will have Individual Blessings/Saraswati Dikshas and Divine Discourse, 11 AM to 6 PM. The program will held at the INDO AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER - 2804 W. Maryland Ave. PHOENIX AZ 85017. While Individual Blessings are free, there is a nominal suggested donation for Saraswati Mantra Diksha. Individual Blessings are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please be prepared to relax for some time in the charged atmosphere of the hall. Please note that due to the large number of people attending this program, individuals arriving after 2:30 pm are not guaranteed an Individual Blessing with Amma. Saraswati Mantra Diksha is available for students, ages 4-24. Those who wish to receive Diksha should come fully bathed or showered (with head and hair washed) and dressed in modest, white attire. Lunch will be served so that people can stay and enjoy Amma's presence. For more information about Individual Blessing please see: [] ------------------------- WEEKEND PROGRAMS In addition to Individual Blessing, the following programs will also be taking place at the same location on the following days: SATURDAY, MARCH 18 ONE DAY MEDITATION RETREAT: 8 AM to 6 PM LOCATION: INDO AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER - 2804 W. Maryland Ave. PHOENIX AZ 85017 [] All programs are free except the meditation retreat (_Early registration $102 for Full Day and $62 for Half Day_) and the Saraswati Diksha for children (a very nominal fee). SUNDAY, MARCH 19 HOMA (SACRED FIRE CEREMONY): 9 AM – 1 PM. LOCATION: INDO AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER - 2804 W. Maryland Ave. PHOENIX AZ 85017 [] If you have any questions please contact the PHOENIX CITY CO-ordinator at: We look forward to a blissful time with Amma basking in her radiant love, taking in her blessings, bhajans and absorbing her Divine grace and wisdom! For more information on Amma's 2017 US Tour please visit: []. VENUE ADDRESS Indo American Cultural Center [,-112.1213255,17z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x872b6cc7f7f86327:0x94c5ee35fe62618d!2s2804+W+Maryland+Ave,+Phoenix,+AZ+85017!3b1!8m2!3d33.5321185!4d-112.1191368!3m4!1s0x872b6cb801aa8053:0x22f2e05cb0290df1!8m2!3d33.5320742!4d-112.1191597] 2804 W. Maryland Ave. Phoenix AZ 85017 Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
20/03/2017 Last update

Indo American Cultural Center
2809 W Maryland Ave., Phoenix, 85017, AZ, United States

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  2. Amma Sri Karunamayi visits Phoenix, AZ