The Southwest’s largest all-encompassing gaming con returns August 9th-11th, 2019, and will be at the Phoenix Convention Center. Here is what you can expect at Game On Expo 2019: • Great guests: A+ voice actors, game developers/designers, YouTube content creators and more. • Plenty of games to play: Modern gaming, retro gaming, arcades gaming, tabletop gaming, CCG’s and more. • Game tournaments: Including modern, retro, and tabletop games.• Anime content and vendors.• Live music: Concerts every day featuring some of the top gaming performers in the country.• Cosplay contest: A large cosplay contest featuring some top cosplay judges. • Live auction: A live auction with rare gaming items for sale. • Huge vendor hall: Tons of places to shop. • Exclusives: Purchase exclusive games and items. • And more….Join us for a fun, unique and family friendly experience that both casual gamers and hardcore gamers will enjoy.