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Webinar series: Laban Movement Studies - History, Applications & Frontiers

From Mon 20 November 2017 to Sat 1 February 2020
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Inspirees Institute [], LABAN/Bartenieff Institute of MOVEMENT STUDIES (LIMS [], New York) and CAET [] are proud to present the LABAN WEBINAR SERIES. 18 experts from different fields and countries will share with the audience the fascinating stories and development of the HISTORY, APPLICATIONS AND FRONTIERS IN THE LABAN FIELD. The WEBINARS WILL BE ORGANIZED AS THE ONLINE LECTURE EVERY THREE WEEKS THROUGH THE YEAR OF 2017-2018, with one hour each including the lecture and Q&A. The lectures are given in English with PPT and videos. This webinar is primarily intended for researchers, educators and practitioners who have interest in Laban movement studies and would like to broaden their knowledge in Laban field.  It is also a platform for exchanges among professionals. It is not the replacement for systematic training of Laban theory. The participants should have some basic knowledge about Laban theory in order to follow the seminars.  Otherwise, we recommend you to follow some basic course of LMA/BF and study some materials (enclosed at the end). The series will be offered in five modules. You can register for one single seminar or by modules. Limited space available! Please check the time of the webinar before you sign. Refund is only possible 7 days before the start of the first seminar.  Benefit for those who sign for the whole package: * FULL ACCESS TO THE RECORDED SEMINARS * Free access to the slides and other complementary materials [] at Udemy  * On completion of the whole SERIES, the participants can get a certificate (PROOF OF THE STUDY HOURS) with signatures from the organizers. ------------------------- SEMINAR 14: LABAN AND ANTHROPOLOGY _Karen K. Bradley, Miriam Phillips, CMA_ Aug 20, 2018 People move and express many levels of behaviors: from individual movement patterns that are unique in their content and organization, to interaction styles, to small group behaviors, and cultural patterns that may be, as Alan Lomax stated, “mysterious.”  When noting such patterns in others, one is always subject to one’s bias and foreknowledge, which can result in serious misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and misconstructions. In this session, CMAs Miriam Phillips and Karen Bradley will unpack how the Laban Movement System (or LMA) can be used to discern levels of individual, group and cultural movement patterns and what these can reveal. They will also describe the Choreometrics Project, delve into its challenges and usefulness, and update the current discussions and concerns. They will offer some food for thought for how we might be able to share the data and the films in ways that recognize history, colonialist perspectives, post-colonial concerns, and the future usefulness of cross-cultural knowledge based in dance analysis, in conversation with those whose dances are part of the Global Jukebox. SEMINAR 15: LABAN IN ASIA__ _Nayung Kim, Ph.D., BC-DMT, SEP, CMA; __Vincent Yong, CMA__; __Tony Zhou, CMA, PhD___ Sept 10, 2018 After the development of Laban movement studies in the West for decades, expansion to Asia started to take place. In the past ten years, there are an increased number of Asian students coming to the Certification Program in LIMS to be trained to become a CMA. The majority of them are from South Korea which is an interesting phenomenon. In the future, more interest from Asia is expected. As a result, LIMS started a new Certification Program in China in 2016 to bring the training closer to the Chinese and other Asian students. How Asia embraces and develops the Laban work in its own culture presents both challenge and opportunities. Three Asian CMAs trained with LIMS certification program will share with you their experiences and perspectives of Laban studies and development in their countries and regions. ------------------------- OVERVIEW OF 5 MODULES (20 SEMINARS) MODULE 1 * Laban History: A Legend. Karen Bradley, CMA, LIMS (US), Nov 20, 2017 * Laban and Somatics: Global perspectives. Karen Studd, CMA, LIMS (US), Dec 11, 2017 * Laban and embodied leadership/coaching. Karen Bradley, CMA, LIMS (US), Jan 8, 2018  MODULE 2 * Laban and Ergonomics/physiotherapy. Hilary Bryan, CMA, PhD (US), Jan 29, 2018 * Laban and Neuroscience. Karen Bradley, CMA, LIMS (US), Feb 12, 2018 * Beyond Words: Laban Movement Analysis, Dance/movement therapy and Family therapy. Barbara Nordstrom-Loeb, CMA (US), Feb 26, 2018 * Laban/Bartenieff Movement System for Performing Artists, Alexandra Baybutt, CMA (UK), Mar 19, 2018  MODULE 3  * Laban’s Movement Studies’ Motif Writing and Labanotation: Differences. Jackie Hand, CMA (US), Apr 16, 2018 * Choreographic Abstractions for Embodied Design of Robotic Behavior. Amy Laviers, CMA, PhD (US), May 7, 2018 * Witnessing the Body Change:  Laban analysis, Transformational Body Tracings and Embodiment. Marcia Plevin, BC-DMT (Italy), May 28, 2018 * Laban’s Art of Movement in Education. Frederick Curry, CMA (US), June 18, 2018  * Seen/Unseen: Integrating Energy Healing and Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies. Penny Chang, CMA (US), July 11, 2018 MODULE 4 * Laban in sports: Applications. Enrique Pisani, CLMA (Belgium),Tony Zhou, CMA, PhD (China), July 30, 2018 * Laban and anthropology. Karen Bradley, CMA (US), Aug 20, 2018 * Laban in Asia. Vincent Yong, CMA (Singapore),Tony Zhou, CMA, PhD (China), Nayung Kim, CMA, PhD (South Korea), Sept 10, 2018 * Laban in Europe. Antja Kennedy, CMA (Germany), Oct 8, 2018 * LABAN AND PEACE MEDIATION. Karen Bradley, CMA (US), Oct 22, 2018 MODULE 5 * Laban and Emotional Regulation and Resiliency, Rachelle Tsachor (US), Tal Shafir (Israel), Nov 12, 2018 * Laban and Personal Empowerment: Focus on Public Speaking, Regina Miranda (Brazil), Dec 3, 2018 * Laban for children education and therapy, Suzi Tortora (US), Dec 12, 2018                                         JOIN US AND BUILD A WORLD-WIDE LABAN COMMUNITY TOGETHER! Some references and reading materials * Body Movement: coping with the environment. Irmgard Bartennieff, Publisher: Routledge ISBN 0677055005  * A primer for movement description. Cecily Dell, Publisher Princeton Book Co Pub ISBN  0932582036  * Space Harmony. Cecily Dell, Aileen Crow. Publisher Princeton Book Co Pub ISBN  0932582125  * Rudolf Laban. Karen Bradley. Publisher Roudlegde ISBN  0415375258    * Everybody is a body. Karen Studd & Laura Cox. Publisher Dog Ear Publishing ISBN  1457518503  * Laban webinar series complementary materials [] (freely accessible for webinar registered participants)
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11/06/2019 Last update

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  1. Inspirees Institute
  2. Webinar series: Laban Movement Studies - History, Applications & Frontiers