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TMA Gala 2022

Sat 19 March 2022
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

TMA Gala is the museum’s signature fundraising event that supports educational initiatives and community outreach. Join us as we return to the museum with entertainment, a live auction and dinner on the museum plaza! Celebrate with friends during happy hour while participating in the silent auction via ClickBid! and enjoy performances highlighting art, music, dance, and culture throughout the evening. Savor a delectable dinner from Café A la C’art with wine pairing. Stay tuned for more information.
20/03/2022 Last update

Tucson Museum Of Art
North Main Avenue 140, Tucson, Arizona, United States

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  1. Tucson
  2. Tucson Museum of Art and Historic Block
  3. TMA Gala 2022