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Inner Engineering with Sadhguru in Los Angeles

Sun 31 March 2019
1:48 PM - 2:18 PM

SADHGURU WILL BE OFFERING THE INNER ENGINEERING COMPLETION PROGRAM IN LOS ANGELES THIS SPRING. This is a unique opportunity to learn the life transforming Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya directly from a realized yogi. Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, a simple 21-minute practice, is a powerful and purifying energy process. This practice incorporates the breath, giving access to your deepest life energies and making them vibrantly alive! This is an advanced level program. The prerequisite is completing all 7 sessions of INNER ENGINEERING ONLINE. Ages 15+ can attend. Details of the event are available here []  Early Bird Expires on Jan 20, 2019
education conventions yoga
01/04/2019 Last update

Los Angeles Convention Center
South Figueroa Street 1201, Los Angeles, 90015, California, United States

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  1. Los Angeles
  2. Indu Peruri Peruri
  3. Inner Engineering with Sadhguru in Los Angeles