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LAFD CERT Battalion 15 Community Meeting

Wed 15 February 2017
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Welcome to our First 2017 COMMUNITY MEETING Topics: * Introductions * Triangular Bandages used in over 100 ways (or so) * Future events in our Battalion as well as those in adjacent Battalions * Welcoming new co-Coordinator * Future CERT training (DVOC, Call-Outs and more) We have the privilege to invite Erin Huey to show us the many uses of the simple (or not-so-simple) triangular bandage.  We want you to learn how to use these techniques, so we will provide some bandages.  We will ask you to pair up so that you can participate.  This would be a PERFECT opportunity for you CERT members to bring a non-CERT member to the Community meeting so that they learn more about CERT. The DVOC (Defensive Vechicle Obstacle Course) and Call-Out Trainings coming in the near-future will be discussed. A new co-Coordinator has joined Battalion Fifteen (15).
16/02/2017 Last update

LAFD Fire Station 87
10124 Balboa Boulevard, Granada Hills, 91344, California, United States

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  1. LAFD CERT Battalion 15
  2. LAFD CERT Battalion 15 Community Meeting