
Miraflores Groundbreaking Celebration

Miraflores Groundbreaking Celebration
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Event ended

The City of Richmond, Eden Housing, and Community Development Housing Corporation cordially invite you to

Affordable Housing Week

Celebrating the Groundbreaking for:



150 South 45th St, Richmond, CA 94804


Monday, May 15, 2017 at 12:00 p.m.

Refreshments will be provided after the program.

 Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 10.


Miraflores Senior will provide 79 new affordable senior rental apartments in Richmond, Calif. More than 15 years in the making, Miraflores Senior is a testament to the commitments of the City of Richmond and the Park Plaza Neighborhood Council to transform former flower nurseries into a vibrant new community.

 Miraflores Senior is part of a larger plan to redevelop the former Sakai, Oishi, and Endo nurseries with a diverse mix of housing at varying levels of affordability, including the new construction of market-rate ownership housing. A new public park that honors the history of the Japanese-American flower industry will also be developed, including a bicycle and pedestrian path that will connect the Park Plaza community to the Richmond Greenway and the McDonald Avenue Commercial District.

Thank you to our funders and sponsors!

   City of Richmond  

  Richmond Housing Authority  

  California Dept. of Housing and Community Development  

  Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco  

  California Community Reinvestment Corporation    Wells Fargo Bank  





Views - 16/05/2017 Last update
Miraflores Senior Apartments - Construction Site
150 South 45th Street, Richmond, 94804, CA, United States
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150 South 45th Street, Richmond, 94804, CA, United States
Miraflores Senior Apartments - Construction Site
150 South 45th Street, Richmond, 94804, CA, United States
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  1. Eden Housing and Community Housing Development Corporation
  2. Miraflores Groundbreaking Celebration
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