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The Good, the Bad, the Ugly - Garden Bugs!

Sat 20 July 2019
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY - GARDEN BUGS!SATURDAY, JULY 20TH, 2019 10 AM - 12 PM LEARN HOW THE LEAST INVASIVE METHODS OF PEST CONTROL INCLUDING FIGHTING BAD BUGS WITH GOOD BUGS AND ENCOURAGING POLLINATORS AND INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) CAN BENEFIT YOUR GARDEN. MASTER GARDENER PRESENTER: ELIANA BUSHWALTER LOVES WORKING IN HER GARDEN AND VOLUNTEERING WITH UC MASTER GARDENERS WHEN SHE IS NOT TRAVELING AND HIKING OUR MANY NATIONAL PARKS.  SHE GREW UP WITH A LOVE FOR THE OUTDOORS AND, AS THE DAUGHTER OF AN ENTOMOLOGIST WHOSE LIFE WORK FOCUSED ON INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) AND BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, ELIANA DEVELOPED A LOVE OF INSECTS AND THE ROLE THEY PLAY IN OUR NATURAL WORLD. A UC GRADUATE IN NUTRITION, ELIANA'S CAREER AS A REGISTERED DIETICIAN AND DIRECTOR OF FOOD AND NUTRITION PROGRAMS INCLUDED MANAGING FOOD SERVICES FOR THE COUNTY HOSPITAL, MEALS ON WHEELS, SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAMS, CHILDCARE PROGRAMS, THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES, AND THE YOUTH FACILITIES, AND COUNTYWIDE PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION EDUCATION PROGRAMS. ------------------------- PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW LOCATION: LYNGSØ GARDEN MATERIALS, INC. 345 SHOREWAY ROAD, SAN CARLOS, CA 94063 OUR WORKSHOPS HAVE BECOME VERY POPULAR. TO ENSURE A MORE PLEASANT EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: ON-TIME START: Please plan on arriving at least 10-15 minutes early allowing for parking and getting settled for a 10:00 AM start. We will hold your place until starting time. If you have not arrived by the published start time for the clinic we will begin seating our waiting list. We are sorry we cannot hold a spot for late-comers. PARKING: Please park in our designated Customer Parking area located directly across from the Sales Building. Please look carefully for the One-Way Entrance and Exit signs. EXTRA FOLKS: Please make sure to register everyone in your party. Many of our clinics fill up fast and we often have a waiting list, so please understand if we cannot add a spouse or friend at the last minute. CHILDREN: The content of our classes is for adults. Due to attention span, we discourage children from attending our classes, unless the class is specifically for children If your child is a serious garden enthusiast and would enjoy sitting through a 1 ½ to 2-hour clinic, please let us know and we will gladly consider them for the class. PETS: Although we are a pet-friendly business, for the comfort of other attendees in our clinics, we ask that you do not bring your pets to the clinics. Service animals are allowed. Please do let us know ahead of time if you need to bring your service animal to the clinic. PRESENTATION: Most of our clinics will include a PowerPoint presentation which will be emailed to the attendees after the class. Due to the popular nature of our clinics, if you are unable to attend in person, we cannot accommodate emailing information presented in our clinics. CANCELLATIONS: If you won't be able to attend the clinic, please, cancel through Eventbrite as soon as possible. Class fee is nonrefundable.
business courses family volunteerism food party hiking
21/07/2019 Last update

LYNGSØ Garden Materials Inc.
345 Shoreway Road, San Carlos, CA, United States

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  1. LYNGSØ Garden Materials, Inc.
  2. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly - Garden Bugs!