It’s Elementary! Level 1 Learn to relax and connect with your dog. When people are relaxed, dogs are relaxed, so laugh and enjoy your dog’s company as you practice your connected leash walking, recall, sit, down and much more. We request that you sign up for both levels to ensure that you and your pup complete a full It’s Elementary! experience. You will join It’s Elementary! Level 1 first. Once you complete that course, you will continue to It’s Elementary! Level 2. The classes are designed to build on each other. Class Details: Prerequisite: Academy of Dog Orientation Webinar. The link will be provided to registered students prior to the start of class. Series length: 4 weeks The first class is mandatory, because it lays the foundation for the rest of the session. 1 hour per class Price: $125 Instructor Contact: Administrative Support: Vaccine Requirements must be uploaded to the Active website ASAP (there is a link in your confirmation email). As a last resort, if you are not able to upload, then please email photocopies to your instructor one week prior to the start of class. Proof of current rabies vaccination. Proof of their last Distemper/Parvo combination booster. (First booster given one year after completion of puppy vaccinations, following boosters given every three years.) Proof of current Bordetella vaccination.
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