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Rough Rider Roundup 2021

Sat 9 October 2021
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

ROUGH RIDER ROUNDUP provides a FREE day of western activities, games and family fun for the special needs community of Shasta and surrounding counties. ROUGH RIDER ROUNDUP PROVIDES THE OPPORTUNITY THAT GIVES PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AN ACTIVE OUTLET TO HAVE FUN AND PARTICIPATE IN A MODIFIED RODEO DOING RODEO-type activities where they become cowboys and cowgirls for the day. ROUGH RIDER ROUNDUP BUILDS CONFIDENCE FOR SPECIAL MINDS AND GIVES DESERVING KIDS AND ADULTS A DAY OUTDOORS TO HAVE FUN. This event is not open to the public. Space is limited. Please contact for registration forms. Thank you
10/10/2021 Last update

Roughout Ranch in Bella Vista
21449 Roughout Ranch, Redding, 66003, CA, US

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  1. Redding
  2. Rough Rider Roundup 2021