This free interactive training is co-sponsored by the National VA
Chaplain Center and Faith Chapel.
Please REGISTER to RESERVE your seat now. _
_This training has two available time slots, one in the afternoon
(1p-4p) and one in the evening (6p-9p). The content will be the same
for each training; please feel free to pick the time that best fits
your busy schedule! The facilitator for this training will be Chaplain
James Patterson, who can be reached at
Many Veterans and their family members seek help for their problems
from clergy because they feel the faith community can provide
anonymity, confidentiality and a stigma-free environment. Yet clergy
members sometimes have limited knowledge about readjustment
difficulties and the unique health issues such as post-traumatic
stress, or depression common to returning warriors. This event can
help prepare you to support them.
The Community Training Partner Initiative offers critical resource
to educate and support the faith community.
To provide knowledge that can improve pastoral care skills to better
serve Veterans, service members, and their families.
To present the narrative approach to pastoral care to include the
roles of past, present, and future.
To consider the roles of clergy in community pastoral care.
To review pastoral responses to and resources for Veteran care.
Learn more about this program on the VA Community Clergy Training
Program website
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26/01/2019 Last update