
Sacred Space-Crystal Grid & Reiki Healing Circle

Sacred Space-Crystal Grid & Reiki Healing Circle
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Remove your energy blocks, heal and attract more positive things into your life!!

Join us for a relaxing and theraputic time of intimate group healing session with Reiki, 432Khz Sound Healing Meditation, and Crystal Grid Ceremony!!

You will be guided how to properly journey into a deep meditative state. If you never experienced Reiki before, this is a great way to experience it in a safe and supportive environmemt. There will be a limited space available to accommodate all attendees so please make sure to pre-register.

There are limited chairs available so bring your own cushion or meditation mat for your comfort. We will gather around the crystal grid as we create the sacred space together. You are welcome to bring your own crystals to get charged up.

Energy Exchange  $10 (Please RSVP and use the link provided or call to process payment)

Pre-register here or call 714-617-4593


Q: What is Reiki?

A: Reiki is an ancient healing technique that was re-discovered by a Japanese Monk, Mikao Usui, Reiki means "Universal-Life-Force" in Japanese. Reiki works on the mind, body, and spirit by tapping into the universal energy to connect with people's own healing ability, Reiki can clear the emotional and physical blockages, which leads to healing of illnesses and disease. Regular contact with Reiki can bring people into total balance and harmony, and it can also prevent them from future illnesses and disease. Reiki also brings protection and personal transformation on many levels. People also use Reiki for weight loss, attracting and manifesting desired relationships, finances, and other personal goals as it clears out negative patterns of thoughts which prevents from a person's mental breakthroughs and self transformations that attracts more positive energies and outcomes in life. For more detailed description about Reiki, please visit

Q: What is Crystal Grid and how it's going to help with the healing?

A: Crystals and gem stones has been used for healing, attracting certain energies and also used for protection purposes since the  ancient times. Every crystals has it's own vibrational frequencies and it is linked to our chakra systems, cosmic systems and works in accordance with the spiritual divinities. When certain crystals are gathered and activated as a grid, it creates a powerful vortex transmitting higher energies which can benefit for healing, manifestation and an alchemical transformations.  You may also learn more about crystals for healing at 

Q: How can sounds be used for healing?

A: If you can understand the concept of every matters are made up of energies, sounds are no exceptions! Matter of fact, sounds are very powerful source that can penetrate deep into our cells and DNA with the proper frequency settings. Most of us are already familiar with how music can greatly enhance and change our moods but there are many scientific evidence how the sound be used as brain entrainment such as theta brain wave, Isochronic and binaural beats, Shuman Resonance to sound healing being practiced since the ancient times such shamanic sound healing, Tibettan bowl and crystal sound healing.


Views - 25/09/2018 Last update
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  2. Sacred Space-Crystal Grid & Reiki Healing Circle
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