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"Mama Metallica" by Sigrid Gilmer with IAMA Theatre

Sun 30 April 2017
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

A memory play about dementia, growing up and the world's greatest heavy metal band.  DIRECTED BY DEENA SELENOW  FEATURING ALEX ALCHEH, STEPHANIE BERLANGA , MAX EUGENE, CHRIS GARDNER, KILA KITU, MATT PASCUA , LEE SHERMAN, GRAHAM SIBLEY AND JAMIE WOLLRAB DESSERT RECEPTION TO FOLLOW WITH LIVE MUSIC FROM PRETTY POLLY _Sigrid Gilmer makes black comedies that are historically bent, totally perverse, joyfully irreverent and are concerned with issues of identity, pop culture and contemporary American society. Her work has been performed at the Skylight Theatre, Pavement Group, Know Theatre of Cincinnati, Cornerstone Theater Company and Highways Performance Space. She is a winner of the Map Fund Creative Exploration Grant, the James Irving Foundation Fellowship and is a USA Ford Fellow in Theatre_ FAQs  WHAT ARE MY TRANSPORTATION/PARKING OPTIONS FOR GETTING TO AND FROM THE EVENT? We have gotten approval from the City of Los Angeles to allow event parking on Drexel Ave, W 5th St and Maryland Dr between La Jolla and Fairfax during the weekend of the event. Regardless of signage (with the exception of parking meters), you will be permitted to park in these areas, as indicated by the green lines shown in the map below, without receiving a ticket.  
music concerts metal culture theater trade shows courses
01/05/2017 Last update

487 South Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, 90036, CA, United States

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  1. Stage Raw/PLAY LA Theater Festival Weekend
  2. "Mama Metallica" by Sigrid Gilmer with IAMA Theatre