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Volunteer with Project Helping for the Samaritan House

Mon 24 February 2020
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

PROJECT HELPING ORGANIZES VOLUNTEER EVENTS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO MAKE AN IMPACT — both on you and your community. Through VOLUNTEERING, you can actively invest in your communities while also reaping the benefits of increased mental wellness. We create opportunities for you to practice kyndfulness!WHAT WILL WE BE DOING? Join PROJECT HELPING VOLUNTEERS TO IMPROVE YOUR MENTAL WELLNESS! We will be packing 200 paper bags with packaged food items. We will also be decorating the paper bags, and writing encouraging notes to go in each bag. These supplement the bag lunches for the homeless population they serve. FINISH REGISTERATION TO VOLUNTEER HERE: [] FAQS WHY VOLUNTEER? Through the act of volunteering, you are actively investing in your community while also improving your mental wellness! Volunteering is proven to have numerous health benefits including improved mood, feeling healthier, increased sense of purpose and reducing stress levels. Volunteering can also give us a deep sense of happiness, both immediately and long-term. * 94% of people who VOLUNTEER SAY THAT VOLUNTEERING IMPROVES THEIR MOOD. * 96% of people who volunteer say that volunteering enriches their sense of purpose. This is just some of the science that supports our mission and outlines why it’s so beneficial to do good things for others. We call that practicing Kyndfulness []. #BeKyndBeWell DO THESE VOLUNTEER EVENTS REQUIRE SPECIAL SKILLS? There are no specific skills needed for our volunteer experiences. But we do consider willingness to help others a very special skill and since you’re reading this, you already have that one! ARE THERE AGE REQUIREMENTS FOR VOLUNTEERING? Minimum age varies depending on the VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE! Visit [] to find an event and verify the minimum age before registration.  ALL THE DETAILS: WHERE TO MEET AND PARK? WHAT TO WEAR AND BRING? WHAT IS THE AGENDA FOR THE DAY? All of the details for each event are included in the event listing. We’ll also send a reminder email and a text a few days before the event! QUESTIONS? EMAIL PROJECT HELPING AT or call 303-551-0624.
25/02/2020 Last update

e hampden avenue 8811
project helping, denver, 80231, co, us

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  1. Volunteer with Project Helping for the Samaritan House