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Affordable Reiki classes in Colorado Springs

Sat 13 June 2020
5:13 PM

Reiki [] is a natural healing modality and easy to lean. Healing Today has provided REIKI TRAINING TO THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS SINCE 1999.  We will present Reiki classes []on June 13, 2020 in Colorado Springs (directions sent with confirmation).   The training is in traditional Usui Reiki. In the level 1 class the student is taught the basics of Reiki healing including the hand positions to practice on self and others.   The CLASSES WILL BE TAUGHT BY RICHARD FIALLO, Reiki Master. [] The classes are always fun, informative and include lots of hands-on experience.   The fees to the REIKI CLASSES INCLUDE HANDOUT, attunement [], and certificate. The level 1 class is only $85 total. The level 2 class is $95. Each workshop is all inclusive. There will also be a level 3 workshop ($185) on that Sunday.   COLORADO SPRINGS REIKI CLASSES; [] 
courses workshop Virtual event
14/06/2020 Last update

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  1. Colorado Springs
  2. Richard Fiallo
  3. Affordable Reiki classes in Colorado Springs