UPDATE: based on feedback, we made the decision to adjust the time to
be 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST, to ensure we are done before sunset. We want
everyone to be safe, and have enough time to get wherever they are
going after safely. We apologize if this change causes makes it
difficult for you to attend, and hope you understand we need to make
sure everyone stays safe during this especially tense time.
If you haven't heard, Trump has called on all his supporters to rally
at the Capitol on Wednesday, January 6th. That's the day Congress is
in session to formalize the electoral votes. We will be there!!
In preparation for that rally and the outcome of the congressional
meeting I would like to get people together the night before, on
Tuesday, January 5th, for a prayer walk around the Lincoln Memorial
Reflecting Pool.
We will meet on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at 3:00pm for a
brief corporate prayer, then spend the remaining time doing a group
prayer walk around the Reflecting Pool.
We will pray for safety during the rally, for our country and
president, and for God's truth and justice to prevail at the
congressional meeting.
I have also linked the FB event below. Mark yourself as going if you
will be there in person or interested if you will be there with us in
spirit! I will plan on going live from the Lincoln Memorial during the
corporate prayer. God bless you and God bless America!
#election2020 #trump #trump2020
https://fb.me/e/38oeBtnSR [https://fb.me/e/38oeBtnSR]