
Congressional Black Caucus Reception and Party 2019 hosted by the DC MD & VA Chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

Congressional Black Caucus Reception and Party 2019 hosted by the DC MD & VA Chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
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DC MD & VA Chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. present

Congressional Black Caucus Reception and Party 2019

Date:  Friday September 13th, 2019

Featured Artist:  Live Performance by Bela Dona and DJ Ezzy

Where:  Marriott Wardman Park; 2660 Woodley Rd. NW Washington DC. 20008

Time:  8pm-2am

Attire:  Dress To Impress (No Jeans or Tennis Shoes)

Heavy Hors D'Oeuvres will be served.


Views - 15/09/2019 Last update
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Marriott Wardman Park
2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, 20008, DC, USA
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2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, 20008, DC, USA
Marriott Wardman Park
2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, 20008, DC, USA
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