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American Freedom Tour Ft Lauderdale

Sat 19 February 2022
8:15 AM - 5:00 PM

Donald Trump Jr, Kayleigh McEnany, Mike Pompeo, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Dinesh D'Souza and more will be speaking at AMERICAN FREEDOM TOUR FT LAUDERDALE - February 19, 2021.For the first time ever, a national event series has been designed to advance American ideals and values and shape opinion and culture both locally and nationwide. The American Freedom Tour is a place where patriots come together to celebrate America, not tear it down. Register today to attend the American Freedom Tour. Build important relationships. Help promote a conservative agenda. Protect America’s future.
trade shows expos business conventions workshop culture education politics family streaming Free time
20/02/2022 Last update

Greater Fort Lauderdale / Broward County Convention Center
Eisenhower Boulevard 1950, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States

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  1. Fort Lauderdale
  2. Gary Starr
  3. American Freedom Tour Ft Lauderdale