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Grant Application Workshop: Creative Investment Program (CIP)

Wed 8 April 2020
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

The purpose of the CIP GRANT IS TO ASSIST BROWARD COUNTY NOT-for-profit cultural organizations with annual operating revenues of $100,000 or less for small but complete cultural projects for which applicants have not received funding through any other Cultural Division incentive PROGRAM. The project must be an exhibition, performance, or other arts activity. WORKSHOP DETAILS: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 5:30PM Bienes Ceremonial Room; 6th floor, Broward Main Library 100 S. Andrews Ave. The APPLICATION DEADLINE IS JUNE 1, 2020, at 11:59PM; HOWEVER, ELIGIBILITY MUST BE DETERMINED BY APRIL 17, 2020. It is highly recommended you attend the application workshop should you wish to apply for this grant program. For more information on the CREATIVE INVESTMENT PROGRAM AND THE REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS AND DEADLINES, click here []. _About Broward Cultural Division:_ _Broward Cultural Division is a local arts agency that provides financial, technical and marketing support and development to artists and arts organizations in the nation’s 17th largest county. Visit our website and follow us @BrowardArts on Twitter and Facebook._
culture workshop
09/04/2020 Last update

Broward County Main Library, Bienes Museum Ceremonial Room
100 South Andrews Avenue, ort Lauderdale, 33301, L, US

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  1. Fort Lauderdale
  2. Grant Application Workshop: Creative Investment Program (CIP)