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The Journey of retired Chief Clarence Dickson, the first African American Police Chief of the City of Miami Police Department

Fri 24 January 2020
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

This is a historical need to see film about the life, strugles, and accomplishments of retired Chief Clarence Dickson. He overcame racial segregation and became the first black American Police Chief of the City of Miami Police Department. This is a free event open to the public so bring your family and friends to witness a piece of history and meet Chief Dickson. 
25/01/2020 Last update

nw 2nd ave 350 northwest 2nd avenue 350
miami, 33101, 0xFFFDl, us

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  1. Miami
  2. The Journey of retired Chief Clarence Dickson, the first African American Police Chief of the City of Miami Police Department