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Bert's Barracuda Fall Swap Meet

From Sat 26 September 2020 to Sun 27 September 2020
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Bert's is Out w/the Old.... in w/the New! SWAP Meet is here...Reserve your spot now>>Bert's will provide: 10x10 setup~electrical hookup available~SMILES~ You must provide the rest :) Fee: $10 All Weekend 10-4pm both days (even if you are only coming one day) Setup Time: 9am Saturday Food Trucks On Site Bands Please email with: Name, phone number & space needed
28/09/2020 Last update

Bert's Barracuda Harley-Davidson
10525 49th Street North, Clearwater, 33762, L, US

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  1. Bert's Barracuda Fall Swap Meet