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Life-Saving Skill Drills -- Law Enforcement ONLY

Thu 25 June 2020
2:49 PM

Brief Class Description: This 4 hour course presents instruction into the basic life SAVING FIREARM SKILLS SETS. These SKILLS ARE INTRODUCED AND REINFORCED THROUGH A SERIES OF REPETITIVE FIREARM DRILLS. The class will establish a baseline firearm SKILL EVALUATION FOR EACH OFFICER. This baseline evaluation will then be compared with the exit SKILLS EVALUATION TESTING IN ORDER TO FORMULATE A PLAN OF ACTION FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL OFFICER’s improvement. The class can be taken more than once to refine SKILLS. A great class to combine with Boon Benton's "SKILL BUILDER" classes. Class Learning Objective: Officers will improve their firearms skill set by practicing and understanding the underlying principles of body dynamics. Class Length: 4 hours Equipment used/needed in class: 500 rounds of FMJ ammo, eye and hearing protection, duty weapon, belt, 3 magazines. Duty weapon must be 9mm in caliber or larger. Magazines must hold at least 10 rounds of ammunition. Magazine reloading device.
05/08/2020 Last update

American Police Hall of Fame & Museum
6350 Horizon Drive, Titusville, 32780, L, US

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  1. Titusville
  2. Life-Saving Skill Drills -- Law Enforcement ONLY