
Florida's Birding and Photo Fest

Florida's Birding and Photo Fest
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The 2025 festival will feature the return of festival favorites, world-class photographers along with new professionals and instructors who will offer technical training opportunities and more birding in-field programs than ever before.

Schedule Of events

Photoqraphinq Florida Native Raptors. Jack Roqers - 6:30 -8:30AM

Sunrise Boat Excursion with St. Auqustine Ecotours - 6:30 -8:30AM

Birds in Fliqht at the St. Auqustine Alliqator Farm. Dawn Wilson - 7:00 - 10:00AM

Photoqraphinq Shorebirds on Bird Island at Anastasia State Park. Lisa Lanqell and Dan Walters - 7:00 - 11:00AM

Shorebird Photoqraphv on Bird Island at Anastasia State Park.

Brett Wells - 7:00 - 11:00AM

Creative Shorebird Photoqraphy on Bird Island at Anastasia State Park. Caleb Hoover - 7:00 - 11:00AM

Bird Identification and Photoqraphinq Birds Near Water at Fort Mose Historic State Park. Linda Burek - 8:30 - 10:30AM

Liqhtroom Mobile for Beqinners: Master Photo Editinq on Your

iPhone or iPad. Diane Bollen - 10:00 - 1 1:30AM

Tips and Techniques for Great Bird Photoqraphv. Jack Roqers - 10:00 - 1 1:30AM

Liqht. Shadow... Watch Your Background'. Kevin Louqlm - 10:00 - 1 1:30AM

OM System (OM-1 Mark II Camera. OM-5 Camera. M.Zuiko Lenses:. Vi-.e Amico - 12:00 - 1:00PM

The Portable Portrait Studio - Part I. Joe Brady - 1:00 -2:30PM

Enterinq Bird Photoqraphy Contests: Tips from a Photo Contest Administrator. Dawn Wilson - 1:00 -2:30PM

Liqhtroom for Wildlife Photoqraphy. Martin Culpepper - 1:00 -2:30PM

Making the Most of your Wildlife Photoqraphv Experience. Lee Hoy - 1:00 -2:30PM

Hands On Close-Up and Personal: Joys of Macro Photoqraphy. Todd Nettelhorst - 1:00 - 3:00PM

Pizza Social - 2:30 - 3:30PM

The Portable Portrait Studio - Part II. Joe Brady - 3:00 -4:30PM

Findinq and Photoqraphinq Owls in North America. Caleb Hoover - 3:00 -4:30PM

PART 1 Capturinq the beauty of the Milky Way and the Niqht Sky. Lewis Kemper - 3:00 -4:30PM

Wild Encounters: Bird and Wildlife Photoqraphy. Todd Nettelhorst - 4:30 - 7:30PM

Cowboy Photoqraphv. Lisa Lanqell and Dan Walters - 5:00 -7:00PM

Photoqraphinq Florida Native Raptors. Jack Roqers - 6:00 -8:00PM

Sunset Boat Excursion with St. Auqustine Ecotours - 6:00 -8:00PM

Shorebird Photoqraphy at Anastasia State Park. Martin Culpepper - 6:30 -8:00PM

PART 2 Capturinq the beauty of the Milky Way and the Niqht Sky. Lewis Kemper - 9:30 - 11:30PM

52 Views - 23/03/2025 Last update
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