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Monthly Valorant Tournament

Sun 11 June 2023
1:00 PM

Throughout 2022 teams have been competing through events for a chance to win prize money and improve their skills. This TOURNAMENT WILL FEATURE THE BEST TEAMS IN CENTRAL FL COMPETING FOR REGIONAL PRIDE AND THE CHANCE TO WIN PRIZE MONEY AND EXPAND INTO LARGER TOURNAMENTS. Central FL is become the Meca to E Sports. Huvi is the destination. From December 11, 2022 into 2023, the opportunity to be the one of the best teams in the Central FL will take place at Huvi. This event will see qualified teams play through a double elimination bracket within a LAN setting at Huvi. The event will take place at Huvi in the Oviedo Mall and will feature a live audience for the event, December 11th and will start at 1pm but we suggest arriving at 12pm. Please invite friends and family admission is free for spectators.
videogames family
12/06/2023 Last update

1700 Oviedo Mall Boulevard
1700 Oviedo Mall Boulevard , Oviedo, 32765, Florida, United States

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  1. HuviGG
  2. Monthly Valorant Tournament