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Ilia Delio: Christifying the Universe

Fri 17 April 2020
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Join US in celebration with the fabulous Ilia herself to hear the good news that Ilia calls the “Christification” of an unfolding UNIVERSE. Beginning with a coffee hour and concluding with lunch, it is a unique opportunity to meet fellow spiritual travelers as llia DELIO LEADS US IN A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF OUR BIG BANG UNIVERSE, which is all about ever enfolding Divine Love.While others push God out with Science, Ilia Delio teaches that the cosmos is a mirror of God, and science is a lens that enables us to see and experience God more deeply. As she puts it, “God is neither simply an impersonal order nor simply the individual person who creates the universe. Rather, God and world are in process together; the world continually participates in God and God in the world.” Ilia contends that “we need a new consciousness that begins with evolution if it is to talk of a living God, and hence it must include physical, spiritual, and psychological change as fundamental to reality…. What I am calling an incarnational worldview is the profound recognition of the presence of the divine in literally ‘every thing’ and ‘every one.’ It is the key to mental and spiritual health, as well as to a kind of basic contentment and happiness.” We hope you will join us with Ilia for a spectacular morning about love, learning, fellowship and spiritual enrichment. COFFEE HOUR: 9–10AM PRESENTATION: 10AM-NOON LUNCH: NOON-1PM CLICK HERE [] TO PURCHASE HER BOOKS!
18/04/2020 Last update

peachtree street northwest 2744
the cathedral of st. philip, atlanta, 30305, ga, us

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  2. Ilia Delio: Christifying the Universe