
DBE Certification Construction Industry Focused Diversity Outreach Workshop

DBE Certification Construction Industry Focused Diversity Outreach Workshop
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dbehntb2020flyer.jpgHugo Hernandez-

National Black & Latino Council GEORGIA President/DBE Certification Project Director

Dr. Jairo Garcia - Interim Executive Director

Lance Robertson-Co Founder/Board Chair 

Question 404 919-1246 

The National Black and Latino Council host DBE Certification Workshop featuring DBE Consulting



Industry Experts Featured Speakers  

Learn the basics of the certification process for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). and Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)


Corporations, The Federal Government and State Agencies all want to do business with minority-owned companies. The encourage practice of a majority of Federal, State, Cities, and Corporations is to award a percentage of contracts to minority-owned businesses and many large companies have goals for buying from minority-owned suppliers. Learn what your company NAICS Codes National American Industry Classification System

To qualify as a DBE the business owner must be owned and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantage persons as defined by DBE Regulation 49 CFR Parts 23 and 26.

PLUS - BTGWorks will discuss the 11Billion Dollar GDOT opportunities for Minority Business Owners

Are you a small business owner? Do you fall under these categories?
Socially & economically disadvantaged
Meet the 51% ownership requirement
Meet the 51% operational control requirement
Individual social & economic disadvantage
Minority / Female Business Owner / Veteran-Owned Small Business Owner
If so, this informational forum is for YOU!
Covered Topics:

What is DBE?


DBE/ MBE and Supplier Diversity Portals
Certification process
Certification criteria
You're certified! Now what?
Upcoming Opportunities
GUEST SPEAKER: Ms. DBE aka Kimberly Griffin President DBE Consulting

The National Black and Latino Council USA is the largest nonprofit in the USA that unites the Hispanic, Latino, and African American Business Community. Our goal is to develop a new diverse generation of DBE & MBE Certifications Small Business Owners. If you are serious about doing BIG BUSINESS you will need to get your Certifications, Our Certification process will position your business to DO BUSINESS throughout 404 919-1246
Special Thanks to our DBE / MBE Advisory Council Committee Chair Ms. Kimberly Griffin President of DBE Consulting

Major Mobility Investment Program

The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) is committed to improving statewide mobility and building a connected transportation network.


As the MMIP has developed and design work has progressed, we’ve evaluated how we are delivering the program and refined it to:

How these advancements benefit you:

  • Provide local road improvements earlier in the delivery timeline than previously scheduled
  • Provide early operational improvements to I-285 general purpose lanes in advance of major express lanes projects
  • Contribute to less disruptive construction congestion and impacts to local roads during major express lanes project construction
  • Maintain healthy competition among our bidding developers
  • Avoid overwhelming the contracting industry with less projects on the same procurement timeline

Interactive Project Map


Upcoming Events

EventDate/Time/LocationDBE ConnectsMarch 2020
Details coming soon.Georgia DOT’s MMIP Brown Bag SeriesTuesday, January 28, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
Georgia DOT Transportation Management Center, 2nd Floor
935 United Avenue, SE
Atlanta, GA 30316
Register at

Program Benefits

The MMIP delivers positive societal benefits at a reasonable cost yielding a benefit of $1.10 for every $1 invested.

  • Reduces travel times by 44% for transit vehicles
  • Relieves traffic through a travel time savings of 15% or $3.28 billion
  • Provides 45 minutes in trip planning time savings
  • Curbs pollution with a 13% reduction in vehicle emissions due to less congestion and faster travel times
  • Reduces traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 13% due to less congestion and faster travel times
Expanding the Georgia Express Lanes Network

The MMIP includes five express lanes projects, which will expand the Georgia Express Lanes network. Express lanes are travel options for motorists and bus transit customers to bypass congestion for a free-flowing commute. The lanes are a choice that provide more reliable trip times and improve traffic flow.

Proven Success on the Northwest Corridor Express Lanes

  • Over 7.4 million trips were taken in the first year of operation
  • Express Lanes are 20% faster than the general purpose lanes during peak travel times
  • Speeds in the general purpose lanes are up to 20 mph faster than before the express lanes opened
  • Rush hour has been reduced by over an hour during the morning and evening commutes
Mobility Partnerships
  • Georgia DOT is responsible for planning, constructing, maintaining, and improving the state’s roads, bridges, and interstates.
  • Atlanta-Region Transit Link (ATL) Authority collaborates with regional transit authorities, such as MARTA, CobbLinc, Gwinnett County Transit, and Xpress, that are responsible for operations of heavy, light rail, and bus transit operations and the advancement of transit in the region.
  • The State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA) collects toll revenue and is responsible for operations of the Georgia Express Lanes network.
Accelerated Construction

The major mobility projects will be delivered through innovative methods such as Design-Build and Public-Private Partnerships, allowing Georgia DOT to accelerate construction schedules. The projects will create additional capacity for more reliable trip times, more efficient movement of freight, safety improvements, and expanded multimodal options, including transit.

Contact Information AddressGeorgia DOT – One Georgia Center, 600 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308

2,092 Views - 01/03/2020 Last update
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