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North Georgia Revival Women's Conference 2021

From Fri 22 January 2021 to Sat 23 January 2021
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

_Pre-ordered T-shirts will be available for pick-up in the main lobby._ JANUARY 22ND AND 23RD This will be a time of refreshing, renewal, and baptism for all women who desire revival in their lives, family, church, and calling. FRIDAY 5:00p: doors open. 5:30p: prayer in the main sanctuary. 6:30p: Session ONE. The Friday evening service will begin at 6:30p and will include prayer ministry in the immersion pools. The immersion pools will be open for ministry FRIDAY night only. SATURDAY 9:00a: doors open. There will be multiple services throughout the day on Satuday, concluding with an evening service. * 10:00a: Session TWO * 11:30a: Session THREE * 12:15p: Afternoon break * 4:00p: Doors open * 4:30p: Prayer in the main sanctuary * 6:00p: Session FOUR. Evening service begins. NOTE: CHILDCARE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE DURING THE FRIDAY OR SATURDAY SERVICES. THIS EVENT WILL NOT BE LIVE-STREAMED. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND THE NORTH GEORGIA REVIVAL ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 24TH!
24/01/2021 Last update

Christ Fellowship Church
139 Hightower Parkway, Dawsonville, 30534, GA, US

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  1. Gainesville
  2. North Georgia Revival Women's Conference 2021