
Foraging Wild Mushrooms Tree Identification

Foraging Wild Mushrooms Tree Identification
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The purpose of this class is to help mushroom foragers identify specific tree species that are often associated with edible mushrooms and. Attendees will learn to identify trees that form symbiotic relationships with specific mushrooms, are parasitized by mushrooms or consumed by mushrooms post mortem. We will discuss key characteristics of these trees and their fungal associates supported by a power point presentation. After the presentation we will take a short hike where we will identify these trees and discuss their physical traits in detail. We will look at traits of both living and dead trees. It is highly recommended that you bring a notebook, hand lens, binoculars and perhaps a camera to photograph these trees yourself in their natural environment. Check the forecast and dress for the weather but certainly wear closed toed shoes and long pants. You may want to bring drinking water, insect repellent and/or sunscreen, an umbrella or poncho. General Admission - $50.00

Views - 17/08/2020 Last update
122 Springview Dr
Linwood Nature Preserve, Linwood Nature Preserve, 30501, United States, Georgia
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122 Springview Dr
Linwood Nature Preserve, Linwood Nature Preserve, 30501, United States, Georgia
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