MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAMDay One is for mental health providers, law
enforcement, prosecutors, attorneys, child welfare professionals,
treatment providers, juvenile probation, school counselors, social
workers, medical professionals, victim witness advocates, and child &
family advocates who are concerned about increasing sexual behavior
problems in children/adolescents and want to share a common
understanding and vocabulary with other multidisciplinary teams
members in responding to, working with and de-stigmatizing with sexual
behavior problems toward the goals of increasing children’s safety &
healthier, happier futures for all children & youth.
Day Two is a continuation building upon Day One for clinical treatment
providers (counselors, social workers, psychologists) working with
children, adolescents, and families at risk for abusive or Sexual
Behavior Problems utilizing a Conceptual Model & Guiding Principles of
a Goal Oriented Approach.
24/04/2020 Last update