
Chicago: What the Duck! & Diagnostic Cards - Certification Based on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods

Chicago: What the Duck! & Diagnostic Cards - Certification Based on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods
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What the Duck! & Diagnostic Cards - Certification
Get ready to dive deep into two fun and flexible tools that feature thousands of possibilities and help you deliver great results!
This one day training is open to the public! No training requirements are needed beyond your desire to gain more knowledge and resources to perform your job even better!
We'll teach you how to use Strategic Play® Diagnostic Cards in a variety of situations, as well as various ways to build a duck with just six LEGO® bricks, demonstrating the power of PLAY with What the Duck!
One workshop and two amazing tools, all in one day. 

What the Duck!
Are you looking for fun activities that can be done with a few LEGO® bricks? Join us because on this day you will learn to do more with less!
So what is the story with the duck metaphor?
You can work with a room full of students, a large group of people at a conference, a small group of professionals, a board of directors, or a group of executives. Regardless of group size and people profile, we have the activities you need to keep participants engaged, communicating and learning by doing.
All you need is six LEGO® bricks! But how can you do so much with just six LEGO® bricks?
The true power of the process is the incredible way the tool can be adapted and modified to deliver the desired effects and results. Here are some examples: 
• Facilitators / Coaches: This is a great way to present the power of thought diversity and improve communication.
• Teachers / Trainers: You can incorporate playful learning micro-features to help internalize desired content and increase innovative thinking through storytelling and language development.
• Therapist: You can address issues such as listening, memory, focus, delayed gratification, resilience, and you can explore many other options.
• Organizational Development and Human Resources Professionals: This is a great tool for opening in-house sessions or meetings, experiencing the importance of individual collaboration for teams to achieve their results, and more!
Here is the amazing part... Just start introducing some activities into your group, classroom, meetings or discussions, you can change the dynamics, open the neural pathways and facilitate many insights!
Diagnostic Cards
Looking for a faster way to better understand your customers/consumers?
Looking for better ways to explain to customers how LSP really works?
• Want to find out what is really going on at deeper levels?
* Looking for a better way to design workshops?
• Need to include more activities in your workshops?
• Looking for quick activities that really have an impact?
• Want to add more fun while effectively using your time?
This powerful, pocket-sized tool helps inspire creative thinking, problem-solving, decision making, and collaboration to drive innovation. Developed specifically for facilitators, consultants and researchers, 3D Diagnostic Cards stimulate productive meetings and workshops through rapid diagnosis.
3D Diagnostic Cards help you identify the key issues your customers are dealing with. Whether related to office politics, lack of clarity, embarrassment or pride, it can often be difficult to bring certain topics to the agenda. The humor inherent in the images serves as an external warning that facilitates opening the discussion to topics that may be considered too taboo or challenging to address in certain work environments.
You will:
• Facilitate and explore creative problem-solving at a deeper level using this fun tool;
• Create a common language and bring clarity to communication;
• Discover hidden innovation through root cause analysis and storyboards;
• Discover new ways to stimulate powerful conversations;
• Complement your work with high energy activities.
 What is included in this training?
• A day of accelerated training, full of activities and debriefs;
• Two books: What the Duck! and Diagnostic Cards;
• A certificate indicating that you are trained to use these two tools, signed by a Master Trainer;
• Various ideas on how Diagnostic Cards were used by other professionals;
• Six LEGO® Ducks kits for you to use with your customers;
• A deck of Diagnostic Cards to use with your customers.
• Lunch and coffee breaks.
This training has been approved by the Global Federation of Master Trainers. 
 Register today - space is limited! 
Still have questions?  Email

Views - 18/07/2020 Last update
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  1. Chicago: What the Duck! & Diagnostic Cards - Certification Based on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods
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