STORY A contemporary Christmas production that tells the story of the
astonishing birth of Jesus, as seen through the eyes of Joseph.
SYNOPSIS Joseph Galilee is an executive and CEO of Joseph Galilee &
Associates, an architectural firm in downtown Metropolitan USA.
Together with his associates, Charles “Chuckie”, Sasha, Brenda,
and the guiding voice of his mother, Viviane, the group is determined
to make their design firm the number one contracting agency in the
city, though they’re not the only ones with dreams of success; the
Goldstar Group is the only firm standing in their way. Joseph’s
confidence in his team and their past accomplishments assures him of
winning a contract war against Goldstar. And when a young woman with
beauty and warmth accepts a temp position at the firm's mailroom,
Joseph falls madly in love with her. But just as it appears his life
couldn’t get any better, a startling revelation from the woman he
loves shakes him to his core, and an unexpected visit from someone not
of this world sets the stage for a dramatic change in the course of
his life...and the destiny of all mankind. RUN TIME 1 hour, 30
minutes; Intermission 10-15 minutes.
11/12/2023 Last update