Wicked Theater and Dance Camp - Schaumburg, IL 2025
Mon 24
March 2025
1:30 PM
DescriptionInternet Registration has not begun yet. Check Registration
Dates in details."You're gonna be pop-u-lar" when you join this camp
inspired by the hit Broadway musical, Wicked! While focusing on themes
of friendship, identity, good and evil, and acceptance, campers will
expand their imaginations as they play drama games, learn dance
numbers and hone their performance skills. Dress in comfortable
clothes and dance shoes. The camp ends with an informal performance
inviting parents to "defy gravity"!"You're gonna be Pop-u-lar" when
you join this camp inspired by the hit Broadway musical, Wicked! While
focusing on themes of friendship, identity, good and evil, and
acceptance, campers will expand their imaginations as they play drama
games, learn dance numbers, and hone performance skills. Dress in
comfortable clothes and dance shoes. The week ends with an informal
performance inviting parents to "Defy Gravity!" Ages 9-14Age
CategoryChild (1yr+)LocationCRC Dance Studio III at Community
Recreation Center (CRC)InstructorMargaret Palmer