The groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind exhibition Clearly Indigenous:
Native Visions Reimagined in Glass celebrates Native artists working
in a dynamic medium. Powerful, majestic, and stirring, the show
features 115 works of art by 29 Native American artists and four
Pacific Rim artists, including Wichita favorite Preston Singletary
(Tlingit). It also includes work by legendary glass art innovator Dale
Chihuly, who worked with artist and educator Lloyd Kiva New (Cherokee)
to set up the first hot shop at the Institute of American Indian Arts
in 1974. The pliable, translucent material of glass is ideal for
Native artists looking to re-interpret traditional stories and express
contemporary issues affecting tribal societies. The artworks on view
include totems, animal sculptures, ceremonial regalia, baskets, and
masks, all of which honor past artistic traditions while exploring
contemporary concerns. Vessels and baskets traditionally made of grass
or clay, for instance, are now beautifully rendered in glass. The
exhibition includes artists who were the first Native Americans known
to blow glass and create glass art, including Larry Avakana (Inupiaq),
Carl Ponca (Osage), and Tony Jojola (Isleta Pueblo). It also features
the second generation of Native glass artists, such as Dan Friday
(Lummi), and others who have established careers in other media but
have also designed glass. Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions
Reimagined in Glass is organized by The Museum of Indian Arts and
Culture and Curator Letitia Chambers and is toured by International
Arts & Artists. All museum exhibitions receive generous sponsorship
from the Friends of the Wichita Art Museum and the City of Wichita.
30/06/2023 Last update