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The Original Poe Grave Ghost Tour

Sat 28 August 2021
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Visit the Haunted Burying Grounds and final resting place of Edgar Allan Poe with Paranormalist Vince WilsonABOUT THIS EVENT Poe’s Magic Theatre is conducting ghost tours in the Westminster Burying Grounds at the corner of Greene & Fayette. Each tour will start at the corner of Greene St. and Fayette - right by the Poe Grave itself! Once you reach the Burying Grounds you will learn: * The history of the Burying Grounds * The Tale of the Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe! * The Macabre Tale of Frank the Body Snatcher * Stories of the Ghosts of Westminster * The Incredible Tale of “The Poe Toaster” You will have access to the entire Burying Grounds and the “Catacombs” beneath the church! At the end of the evening (just before midnight) we will conduct a séance in the “spirit” of Edgar Allan Poe! Will you be “lucky” enough to contact the spirit of Edgar Allan Poe? The tours are usually hosted by magician and paranormalist Vince Wilson. Vince has been on the Discovery Channel for investigating the ghost stories of the Edgar Allan Poe House as well as Destination America, the Travel Channel, featured multiple times in the Baltimore Sun and almost every local news channel! He is an author, Mystery Performer and Baltimore native and hosted the original Poe Grave Ghost Tours. Some tours may be hosted by a special guest host! We will always have an experienced ghost tour guide for hosting duties. Masks are required in Baltimore until further notice. Please make sure to bring a mask.
29/08/2021 Last update

Westminster Presbyterian Church
20 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 21201, MD, United States

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  1. Baltimore
  2. poesmagic
  3. The Original Poe Grave Ghost Tour