
Create Your Own Light: Motivational Talk w/Travis Howze: Veteran, LEO, FF

Create Your Own Light: Motivational Talk w/Travis Howze: Veteran, LEO, FF
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Tickets are FREE, but you must register here so we can keep an accurate count of those attending. Capacity is limited and this event will sell out! Get your tickets today! --- Click DETAILS to register ---

About Create Your Own Light - Motivational Talk with Travis Howze

Travis has conquered the fight against extreme PTSD, depression, survivor's guilt and suicidal behavior developed over a lifetime of massive traumatic exposure. Vowing to never quit serving, taking from his traumatic experiences he transformed the unimaginable, starting out in stand-up comedy as a form of personal therapy and to help others. Today, as a motivational speaker, through multiple outlets, Travis helps thousands to create their own light to finding post traumatic purpose and now breaking down barriers in a nationwide fight against mental health in the military and emergency services' communities and crossing into the private sector that has forged the need for support. His message is authentically raw, transparent and will leave you taking an honest look at one's self and seeing hope and a positive road ahead.

You can find Travis on Instagram via @travishowze

Listen to his Podcast, order his book, find out tour dates and more via

Views - 24/10/2021 Last update
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  2. Create Your Own Light: Motivational Talk w/Travis Howze: Veteran, LEO, FF
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