The 22nd Annual Greater Baltimore Urban League Golf Tournament has attracted many political leaders, philanthropists, business leaders, and golf enthusiasts of all levels. Typically, the tournament caters to 100 golfers. This outing is more than just a day on the links. It is a day of networking and building new relationships! Spending quality time with new and prospective clients can form new partnerships. On the other hand, many sponsoring companies and organizations have also utilized this event as a team building exercise for their employees; others use participation in this event as an incentive for exceptional staffers. Come golf, network, and enjoy!!
8am - Registration/Breakfast
9am - Shotgun Start
11am - Golf Clinic
1pm - Lunch and Awards Ceremony
Sponsorship Opportunities:
{ACE} •Two complimentary foursomes •Company name displayed at registration •Hole-in-one opportunity •4 company tee signs throughout golf course •Company name displayed on hospitality cart •Product placement in gift bags •Logo on GBUL website, as event supporter •Company name on player cart $10,000
{EAGLE} •One complimentary foursome •Company name displayed at registration •2 company tee signs displayed on golf course •Company name displayed on player cart •Logo on GBUL website as event supporter •Gift bag opportunity $5,000
{BIRDIE} •Complimentary foursome •One company tee sign displayed at one hole $2,500
{PAR} •Company name displayed at one hole •Two Complimentary golfers $1,000
{OTHER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES} •Luncheon Sponsor $1,000 (1 available) •Beverage Cart Sponsor $1,000 (2 available) •Tee Signs at Hole $200 •Driving Range Sponsor $250 •Putting Green Sponsor $250 CONTEST SPONSORSHIPS •Longest Drive $350 (2 available – one male/female) •Closest to Pin $350 (4 available)
Thank you.