
Boston Common Master Plan 'Park Presence Day' @ Brewer Fountain

Boston Common Master Plan 'Park Presence Day' @ Brewer Fountain
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The Boston Parks and Recreation Department (BPRD), in partnership with the Friends of the Public Garden (the Friends) is collecting public input about the future of the Boston Common through an expansive public engagement process: on the Common, around the City, at open houses/public meetings, and via an online survey.

BPRD and the Friends are hosting a series of Park Presence Days on the Common and around the City. A movable kiosk – playfully dubbed the ‘Mini Common’ – will allow the public to learn more about the master planning effort, provide feedback on the park today, and share ideas for the future.

For more information about the survey, Mini Common events, and open houses planned for the upcoming months, please visit Residents and park users are encouraged to take the Boston Common Master Plan survey, which will remain active through December 31, 2019.

Led by Weston & Sampson, the consultant team has been studying the park and meeting with stakeholder groups since April 2019. The Boston Common Master Plan includes the development of a set of principles, goals and objectives to guide the work; an inventory of the park’s existing conditions and resources; an assessment of current and future park needs; and the public engagement process that is underway. The final plan will define a strong, clear vision that will celebrate the history of place and craft a comprehensive revitalization strategy for this legacy public open space asset.

276 Views - 18/09/2019 Last update
Brewer Fountain
Tremont Street, Boston, 2108, MA
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Tremont Street, Boston, 2108, MA
Brewer Fountain
Tremont Street, Boston, 2108, MA
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