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Sex, Drugs, & Rock N Roll thinktank trivia

Mon 30 December 2019
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

We're excited to bring you a new chapter in THINKTANK TRIVIA'S WEEKLY REPERTOIRE. Sex, DRUGS, & Rock N' Roll themed TRIVIA! You guessed it, Music, DRUGS, booze, profanity, the alluring, the atrocious, and nitty gritty questions are abound! Only made for mature audiences and very fun and occasionally risque. COMMON GROUND Bar in ALLSTON is the perfect setting due to the great music venues in walking distance, and the fact we're already there every Thursday night at 8pm for our weekly events with "SOLD OUT" crowds. Feel free to RSVP in advance by emailing or show up for General Admission availability. We're stoked to bring you this collaborative thinktank venture and can't wait for your feedback. The game is free to play, LIVE, projected on a screen, and there are prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place teams.
31/12/2019 Last update

Common Ground
85 Harvard Ave, Allston, 2134, MA

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  1. Sex, Drugs, & Rock N Roll thinktank trivia