Jubilee Year of Mercy workshop for all concerned about the care of our
common home. _(See more about Laudato Si')
- On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si')_ is the new appeal from
Pope Francis addressed to "every person living on this planet" for an
inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet.
Pope Francis calls the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency
of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new
path. This encyclical is written with both hope and resolve, looking
to our common future with candor and humility.
Facilitator: Fr. Warren J. Savage, Catholic Chaplain, Albert and
Amelia Ferst Interfaith Center, Westfield State University; Lecturer,
Religious Studies Department, Our Lady of the Elms College, Chicopee,
MA; Instructor, Diocesan Permanent Diaconate Formation Program, and
Member of Spiritual Directors International, Academy of Homiletics,
and The Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality.
Cost: $25 (other resources will be available for purchase). Cash or
check at the workshop, to Fr. Warren Savage.
Registration: Please pre-register via website www.decicehall.org
[http://www.decicehall.org], On Facebook
[https://www.facebook.com/DeCiceHallAtTheMarianCenter] or phone or
email: 413-539-5929, decice.hall@gmail.com. Space is limited. A
workshop may be rescheduled due to weather.
Hospitality: Although lunch will not be served, beverages and light
refreshments will be available. DeCicé Hall parking and facilities
are HP accessible. Location and Entry: Turn in the driveway at 1365
Northampton Street in Holyoke marked Marian Center, DeCicé Hall
Entrance. Park anywhere convenient. Enter the facility through the
doors located beneath the white-columned portico marked “DeCicé
05/03/2016 Last update