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Make and Take: Laser-Cut Beer Caddy

Fri 12 March 2021
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Any night out is made better with LASERS. Come check out our industrial LASER CUTTER. Youll get a brief overview of how LASERS WORK THEN MAKE A SIX-pack carrier with your choice of art.Each guest receives one drink carrier. Additional laser cut items are available to purchase during event. EVENT IS $45 FOR SINGLE ADMISSION (TWO FOR $80). KZOO MAKERS MEMBERS: $35 (TWO FOR $65)
13/03/2021 Last update

Kzoo Makers
1102 East Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, 49048, MI, US

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  1. Kalamazoo
  2. Make and Take: Laser-Cut Beer Caddy