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Michigan Conservative Union Action Summit (formerly MiCPAC)

From Fri 17 April 2020 to Sat 18 April 2020
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

_USE PROMO CODE "EARLY" TO GET $4 OFF EACH TICKET, BEFORE MARCH 16TH!_ This year's theme for the Main Conference is "Constitution in Crisis", featuring 3 events full of in-depth discussions and interaction with experts on the latest threats to our liberties. 2020 Election Strategy Workshop FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 1-4 PM Please join this working session to better understand the big picture on the efforts within Michigan to get conservatives elected. You will have an opportunity to provide ideas, discuss strategy, identify opportunities to directly participate in this overall effort, in your geographic area. We need all of our combined effort to win in November. Please attend! VIP Reception FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 5-8 PM The VIP reception features major speakers and conservative state leadership with awesome networking, photographs, hors d'oeuvres, beverages, and a cash bar. This helps fund MCU's overhead and travel for speakers. Proceeds also help underwrite MCU's communications, outreach, and activism all year long. It is a great investment for the battle to hold back government and lower taxes. Main Conference SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2020 9 AM - 4 PM This is the one day where you can communicate, listen, learn, enjoy spending the day with people who are as dedicated as you are to fixing our Constitution (which is) In Crisis – work with some of the best people in the nation and in Michigan, so you can continue helping to Restore Our American Republic! SPEAKERS & TOPICS AMERICAN LAW FOR AMERICAN COURTS * Dave Agema * William Wagner, Salt & Light Global [] CAMPUS FREEDOM UNDER FIRE * Jacob Hamilton, Hillsdale College [] * Austin McIntosh, U of M Turning Point USA [] * Chris Gaffery, WSU Turning Point USA CONVENTION OF STATES * Publius Huldah [] ELECTION INTEGRITY * Eric Less, Judicial Watch [] * Patrick Colbeck [] * Christopher Wright, Potomac Tea Party [] * Marian Sheridan, MIGOP Grassroots Vice Chair [] * Rob Steele, Republican National Committee [] PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS AND CONSERVATIVES * Pastor Daryl Franzel, Capitol City Baptist Church & School [] * Pastor Chris Thoma, Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church & School [] * Pastor Austin Kreutz, Restoration Christian Community [] THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS * Randy Bishop, Our Defending Fathers [] * Brendan Boudreau, Great Lakes Gun Rights [] * Sheriff Richard Mack, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association [] __ _For more information check out our __Facebook event_ []_._
19/04/2020 Last update

Causeway Bay Lansing Hotel & Convention Center
6820 South Cedar Street, Lansing, 48911, MI, US

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  1. Lansing
  2. Michigan Conservative Union Action Summit (formerly MiCPAC)