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Saturday Night Dance Party

Sat 6 May 2023
8:00 PM

Group Class & SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY AT DANCE SCENE 7pm Drop-In Group Class $15/pp 8-11pm Dance Party $15/pp Both Group & Party $20/pp ------- Ballroom, Latin Dances, as well as Swing & Hustle. Dancing is one of the best ways to stay fit, active, entertained and meet new people! This Party is open to dancers of all levels, singles and couples. ------- DANCE SCENE 25333 VANDYKE AVENUE, CENTER LINE, MI 48015 248-251-3950 TEXT/CALL
nightlife party
07/05/2023 Last update

25333 Van Dyke Ave
25333 Van Dyke Avenue , Center Line, 48015, Michigan, United States

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  1. The Dance Scene
  2. Saturday Night Dance Party