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2023 Mother Daughter Dance

Sat 4 February 2023
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Join us for our 2023 Mother Daughter Dances hosted at Greysolon by Black Woods! A special and unique evening for just the girls.  Dress up and experience a night in the magical Ballroom with the special girl or mother in your life. Open to all ages! Enjoy a night filled with dancing, laughing, singing, sweets and savories. Just $26 per attendee for dinner, endless desserts, hot cocoa bar, photo booth, selfie stations, and dancing all night long. We can't wait to see you all dressed up this year! 
music food
05/02/2023 Last update

e superior st 231
greysolon by black woods, duluth, 55802, mn, usa

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  2. 2023 Mother Daughter Dance