
DM&IR #332 Steam Train Rides to Two Harbors

DM&IR #332 Steam Train Rides to Two Harbors
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<p>There are only about 150 operating steam locomotives in all of North America and one of the most unique is returning to service on the North Shore Scenic Railroad in Duluth. After a year’s work rebuilding the Duluth & Northeastern’s #28’s pony truck and bearings, timing the piston valves and painting it in its original […]</p>\n

Views - 26/08/2019 Last update
North Shore Scenic Railroad
506 W. Michigan St., Duluth, 55802, MN, United States
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506 W. Michigan St., Duluth, 55802, MN, United States
North Shore Scenic Railroad
506 W. Michigan St., Duluth, 55802, MN, United States
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